martes, 9 de octubre de 2007


For the past five months since I’ve been in Guatemala, really the only thing that I have missed and longed for, and perhaps dreamt about a few times, is a hot shower. Well I am happy to inform you that I almost burnt myself in the shower today. It was wonderful! I went from electric to gas heating and my life has changed.

I moved to my new place over the weekend, I could hardly wait to jump in the shower. I had to abandon my other place because I was going on almost a month with barely even tepid water. I didn’t even want to take a shower anymore; I felt like the bratty child that never wants to take a bath.

Well, the shower didn’t happen the first day, because the first day I moved in there was no water AT ALL in the apartment. Quite comical I thought.

What else didn’t happen on the first or second or third night was sleep. This weekend was the beginning of festivities in honor of the Virgin of the Rosary. All weekend long there were concerts, fireworks, and some sort of bombs going off every hour at the central park, which is only a block up from my house. And to my surprise and dismay, the festivities will continue on the weekends for the rest of the month.

I hope to find a good pair of earplugs and may the hot water continue to fall!

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