martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

Food- Comida!!!

I have officially been here for a week already, although for some reason it seems like much longer. Llevo oficialmente una semana aquí ya, aunque por alguna razón se siente como mucho más tiempo.

I have been enjoying the food immensely, as I knew I would. There are few foods that I do not relish. He estado disfrutando inmensamente de la comida, como yo lo sabía. Hay pocas comidas que yo no disfruto.

Almost every day I’ve indulged in huevos, frijoles, platanos, crema and tortillas for breakfast. Now that’s the way to start off the day! Casi todos los días me he dado el gusto de huevos, frijoles, plátanos, crema y tortillas para el desayuno. Eso si que es buena forma de empezar el día!

Tostadas, tacos, and pupusas galore. The taco place up the street, ORALE, has three tacos for 10 quetzales (approximately $1.30). Tostadas, tacos, y pupusas en cantidad. El lugar de tacos mas arriba, ORALE, tiene tres tacos por 10 quetzales (aproximadamente $1.30)

I’m working on the fruits and vegetables, although I am doing this with some caution. I want to wait a week or two before I get sick. There are avocadoes; you find them anywhere and everywhere. An avocado a day…hey and for 1 quetzal (20 cents)… Poco a poco estoy tratando con las frutas y verduras, pero lo hago con mucha precaución. Quiero esperar una semana o dos para enfermarme. Si hay aguacates; se encuentran en todos lados. Un aguacate al día..y por un quetzal (20 centavos)...

Mmmm, I’m very hungry right now, time to go to ORALE! Ayyy que hambre, no puedo más, es hora de ir a ORALE!

How could I forget Pollo Campero-fast food chicken- it's huge here! I heard they are expanding to China! Well, I haven't tried it yet, but I will be sure to give a full review when I do.

Tomorrow I might just break down and visit the local Mc Donalds.

2 comentarios:

Marissa dijo...

You need to start your Chowhound Guate reviews. I swear I thought you were just saying "orale" because the tacos were cheap and good. Took me a minute to figure out that's the place's name!

Simon dijo...

wow it's so great you are blogging. I wish you could post video too, and a taste-o-mail ....